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Provide Legacy Customer Service

customer legacy

Customer service is your business’s legacy. Read on for tips to encourage customers to shop again.

Physical Presence

The first part of leaving a legacy is your store’s physical presence. A great way to think about this is through the senses.

What does your store look like? Make sure the environment is clean, organized, and accessible.

How does your store smell? Scent leaves a strong impact. Certain scents, including lemon, peppermint, and cinnamon, support memory recall.

How does your store sound? Consider playing soothing sound tracks of classical or old-timey music.

Can you provide taste? A great way to offer this is through a coffee bar.

Leave Your Legacy

Your store’s appearance is just one piece of your business’s first impressions. The next piece comes with how you interact with the consumer.

It goes without saying but being present and active listening are vital in all of your customer interactions. Whether in person or on the phone, it is critical to be in the moment in order to gain your customer’s trust.

Post-Sale Connections

Finally, how do you keep your customer happy. A great way to do this is by following up after the sale. This is just as important as making a connection prior to one. Note, personalization is key.

For example, if your customer told you she was buying material to make a quilt for her granddaughter, follow up with a hand written note asking for a photo of the completed project. Depending on the customer, also ask for permission to post the quilt on your social media or website.

There are a multitude of follow up options so be creative. Some examples include following up with new customers about classes offered or sending birthday cards to loyal customers, among many more of course.

Inspiration for this post comes from “Customer Service Defines Your Legacy” by Julie Ressler published in the October 2022 Issue of Creative Retailer.

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