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Manage Through 1:1

Manage through one on ones

Trust is one of the most important values, in business, and life. Manage your way to trusting your employees (and gaining their trust too) through one-on-one meetings.

The purpose of the 1:1 is not to be a review; schedule that for another time. Rather, this meeting should be focused on the employee’s challenges, observations, and opportunities.

Frame the meeting

Framing the meeting is especially important for new employees. One-to-one meetings with managers automatically have a negative connotation. To combat this, make sure it is known the agenda of the meeting will be run by them, not you. The longer the meetings happen the less this will be an issue.

Provide your full attention

How often do you have the undivided attention of someone you respect? Be sure to provide this rare opportunity during your scheduled one-on-one. This means turn your phone off, close the door, or find an off site location. Also make sure to compensate them for this meeting, even if it means showing up early or staying late. Their time is just as valuable as yours.

Listen to manage effectively

We all know how to listen. Be prepared for pauses during this meeting, especially if your employee is introverted. They may just need time to gather their thoughts. If the pause is too long, ask an open ended question to keep the meeting focused on the employee.

Follow through

If these meetings require follow up, make sure you get back to them. Nobody likes feeling like a pest (especially to their boss).

Manage through empowerment

Finally, let employees solve problems on their own. People learn by doing, so when your employees come to you with problems or questions, provide guidance and let them take the reins from there.

Inspiration for this post came from “One Person at a Time,” by Gwen Bortner published in the February 2021 issue of American Quilt Retailer. Stay tuned next week for five more tips on how to effectively manage one-on-one meetings.

If you’re looking for more information to guide you in owning a retail business, subscribe to American Quilt Retailer today. Already a subscriber? No worries—join our Facebook group for insights and dialogue from industry specialists like you.

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End of Year Tax Tips

As 2018 comes to a close, there are many things we would rather use the remainder of our time with other thinking about taxes. But the changes you make now can help keep the cash flowing come tax season. Check out these tips to help your small business.

  1. Find out if your business qualifies for different treatment. The next time you meet with your tax specialist, check if your status is pass-through and if you can switch to C-corporation. New laws decrease income tax rates from 35 percent to 21 percent for all C-corporations, but be sure to ask an expert if the switch makes sense.
  2. Pay your taxes throughout the year. Ask your tax specialist if you can pay taxes at quarterly estimates in 2019 instead of in one lump sum.
  3. Think about retirement. Contributions you make to you or your employee’s plans can be tax deductible. Check with your specialist to see if opening a new retirement plan counts too.
  4. Buy some equipment. This includes both new and used, and equipment bought after September of this year can be listed with 100% depreciation.
  5. Defer revenue. Wait until the end of the month to do billing or wait to get some services until January. On the flip side, if you have events or things you need to buy in January, consider purchasing them early.
  6. Give to a charity. Tis the season for giving, so why not get two birds with one stone and not only give back to your community, but help make your taxes more manageable.


Hopefully 2018 has been a more prosperous year than the last, and gives you the problem to worry about what your taxes are going to look like. Regardless of your financial standings, these tax tips can help all businesses manage their bottom line.

If you’re looking for more information to guide you in owning a retail business, subscribe to American Quilt Retailer today. Already a subscriber? No worries—join our Facebook group for insights and dialogue from industry specialists like you.