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Take Our Survey

Help us help you! American Quilt Retailer is trying to tailor our content to what you want to read about. That’s why we released a survey in the August issue.

This survey is for subscribers and non-subscribers alike, and with just 19 questions, it can take anywhere from five to 10 minutes of your time.

Any response helps, so whether you’re an independent retailer or a quilting industry professional, we want to hear from you.

The information you submit is completely anonymous, and will only be used to better fit the American Quilt Retailer community’s needs. AQR Publisher Heidi Kaisand is also an independent quilt shop owner (Hen & Chicks Studio in Conrad, IA) and knows that many of the challenges she faces in her store probably aren’t too different than yours – no matter where you’re located! Yet we are all in different stages of owning a business, so we all come to the table with different needs and questions.

Surveys provide a great opportunity to allow everyone’s voice to be heard. And with the convenience of the internet, we can get real-time results while you can back to managing a business.

As always, feel free to reach out to for any comments or suggestions.

1 thought on “Take Our Survey

  1. I took the survey but the questions that were supposed to allow me to check more than one thing would not let me do that…

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