If you still have questions about operating your business during these times, check out these COVID-19 frequently asked questions posted by the CDC.
What should I do if an employee comes to work with COVID-19 symptoms?
COVID-19 symptoms include a fever, cough, and shortness of breath. If an employee starts to present these symptoms during the work day, they should be immediately separated from other employees.
Employees should not be allowed to return to work until they have met the criteria to discontinue home isolation, and have consulted with their healthcare provider. Employees should not be required to be tested or provide a doctor’s note in order to return back to work.
What should I do if an employee suspects or confirms to have COVID-19?
In most cases, you do not need to shut down the facility. However, you should close off any areas used for prolonged periods by the sick person. Wait 24 hours to clean the facility (to decrease the exposure to the persons cleaning the facility) and open as many doors or windows as possible to increase air circulation. Cleaning procedures should follow the guidelines outlined by the CDC.
Employers should inform fellow employees of their possible exposure. The CDC recommends those exposed to take extra precautions.
If an employee has been exposed, but is not showing symptoms, should I allow them to work?
Being exposed is defined by the CDC as coming in close contact (6 feet or less) with an infected person for a prolonged period of time. If the employee has symptoms they should self-isolate. If the employee does not have symptoms, they should self-quarantine for 14 days and practice social distancing. All employees should monitor for symptoms during this time.
Cross training all employees to be able to perform all functions is especially critical in the case your staff is decreased from coronavirus infections.
What should I do if I find out several days later (after an employee worked) they were diagnosed with COVID-19?
If it has been less than 7 days since the sick employee used the facility, clean and disinfect all areas the employee used. If it has been more than 7 days since the sick employee used the facility, additional cleaning is not necessary.
We will continue our Re-Opening series to provide as much information as you need. We want the quilt retail community to feel safe as you re-integrate your businesses to their normal workflow.
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