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How to Shake the Winter Blues

Winter Blues

Are the winter blues making you feel uninspired?

We can all agree we’ve reached the point of winter where news of more snow makes us groan. Spring may be around the corner, but it doesn’t feel like it. And if you’re like me, you’ve contemplated a last second trip to a much warmer place.

This list isn’t going to tell you to print a photo of a beach to hang at your desk (hey, if that works for you, don’t let me stop you), but it will help change your mindset so you can make the most of this weather until warmer days come.

How to shake the winter blues

  • Lean into the boredom. The days may be dragging, but—believe it or not—boredom may be the answer to inspiring creativity. There is science to back this claim, but many artists also claim that having a job also inspires this creativity. Lucky for you, you have both, so the next time you have a big idea, go for it.
  • Meditate. There are apps to help you do this, but research shows that some is better than none. There is also a plethora of research that show the benefits, but after the first time I’m sure you won’t need convinced to do more.
  • Retrain your thinking. I’ve been struggling with this line: “What’s good is bad and what’s bad is good.” My busy schedule has made me used to not having free time, so when I find myself with it I don’t know how to enjoy it. I’ve come to enjoy what’s bad (never taking time for myself) to hating what’s good (having free time to enjoy time to myself). Take the time this winter to retrain this mindset.


Winter activities may be more constrained than summer ones, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be just as enjoyable. Rest is good, and hopefully these changes can help you enjoy it.

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Cabin Fever

bored.pngIt’s the first week of April and spring doesn’t seem to be any closer. Daydreams of warmer days and a summer to-do list seem to get longer and longer, while our work sits around us. Motivation is no where to be found.

Maybe all you need is a change of scenery. Literally. The creators of Instagram and the musical Hamilton we’re both on vacations when they incepted their two brilliant ideas.

While you don’t need to go across country to strike big on something you’ve been working on, it isn’t a bad idea to pick that project up and head to your nearest coffee shop. If noise seems to be your main source of distraction, studies show that coffee shops provide the perfect amount of noise level to productivity.

And while you’re trying to optimize that productivity, leave your cell phone in the office. Another study found that even when a phone is left in a bag, just the thought of it is still more distracting than if it were in another building.

So maybe this “whole warm weather is never coming” thing isn’t as bad as we think. Cabin fever may cause boredom, but when boredom strikes, creativity reigns according to this article.

So the next time you’re bored out of your mind, try to stay there. Let your mind wander, and see where it goes. Who knows, maybe you’ll create the next best app?

If you’re looking for more information to guide you in owning a retail business, subscribe to American Quilt Retailer today. Already a subscriber? No worries—join our Facebook group for insights and dialogue from industry specialists like you.