Tired of customers saying they’ve never seen your store before? Sounds like it’s time to be your own advocate.
Do you ever go to an event and wonder how to hype your events up as much as the one you’re at? Well, one way is to create the buzz yourself.
Start by making or ordering signs to go in your store and front display. Send email blasts every other week about the event, and post in one form or another on your social media (actual posts, adding to your story, etc).
Press release
Another way to advocate yourself is through advertising. You already know how to advertise on Facebook and by purchasing an advertisement in your local newspaper, but have you considered writing a press release?
The best way to accomplish this is by writing the release yourself. Google “press release” to find examples of others, but the biggest thing to remember is to include the who, what, when, and where. Spice up the release by including some personal quotes, and wrap up the piece with your company’s typical pitch (the more impressive you can seem, whether it be the number of trade shows you’ve attended or the book you published, the better).
When submitting your press release, the best way to advocate your business is through a great headline. Try to say the point of the press release in 10 words or less—remember, the fewer the better.
Take photos
Any method you use to advocate for yourself—whether through a press release, advertisement, or sign—can be enhanced through photos.
As with anything, the more visual you can make your message, the better. We all know we live in a photo-centric society, but also remember to stay organized and catalog your images after each event.
*Thanks to Georgeanne Bender and Rich Kizer for the inspiration behind this post. Find out more about them and their services at their website.
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