American Quilt Retailer: December 2017 Digital


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“If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try.”
-Seth Godin

I’m a creature of habit. I love routine. I like knowing what is coming up. I plan my haircuts out a year in advance. I know what you’re thinking…she’s crazy (my kids say that all the time). But I get my hair cut every six weeks like clockwork, so why not just have it on the calendar and not have to worry about it. Right? There is a certain comfort I get when I have a plan.

Then there is the excitement I get after doing something I’ve never done before. I remember with intensity when my husband got me on my first rollercoaster in 1991. And, it wasn’t just any rollercoaster but The Orient Express at Worlds of Fun in Kansas City. This was the first coaster ever to have a “Kamikaze Curve” element, which consists of a 90-degree rise similar to half a corkscrew, followed by half of a traditional loop element, then a rising half loop, then a final 90-degree dive sending the track in the same direction it entered the element. And, I LOVED it. Why had I been so scared? Fear is an amazing thing (and, yes, sometimes a good thing to have!).

I think that being in retail business today is a delicate balance of being steadfast and steady and the gutsy daredevil. If we don’t try new things, we’re sure to miss out on opportunities and most importantly, sales. Whether it’s my retail store, Hen & Chicks Studio, or this publication, I’m trying to achieve that balance. Here at AQR, we recently pushed the envelope with a digital recap of Quilt Market. If you haven’t seen it yet, head straight to our website and you’ll find a link on our home page. We had a plan going into Market, but it was all new, so the plan got rearranged a few times along the way. It was exhilarating getting to try something new. And, it has been rewarding hearing your feedback on the issue. I’m so glad that we didn’t let the fear of the unknown stop us from doing this!

Is fear holding you back on a big project in your business? Should it be? Let me know what those fears are and how we could help you overcome them.

In Every Issue

  • From the Editor
  • Connect with AQR Online
  • Our Contributors
  • Free-to-Use Projects: Simple shapes, like triangles, can offer an opportunity to teach customers new techniques and demonstrate different products.

Business Savvy

  • Exploding Your Email List: Digital marketing specialist Sommer Sharon shares tips for growing your email list.
  • 12 Retail Best Practices for 2018: Retail experts Kizer and Bender tell us how to make next year your best.
  • Trends A to Z: Something for everyone at Quilt Market.
  • Celebrate with Basics: Cyndi Hershey gets down to the basics in your fabric selection
  • Collaborate with Vendors: Phyllis Fay offers advice for bringing companies together for unique business opportunities.
  • Managing Your Inventory: Tom Shay teaches us important phrases to know when managing your inventory.

Check It Out

  • Designer 15: Let us introduce you to Linzee Kull McCray and her new fabric collection.
  • Book Nook: Learn about the latest books in the quilting industry.
  • Shop Talk: Calico Hutch Quilt Shop hosts not-to-be missed retreats for their customers. Owner Carolyn Matson shares her ideas behind these successful events.
  • Perfect Point: Designer Amanda Herring is at the top of her creative game, even taking home top honors at Quilt Market with the creativity award.


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